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Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Some fun facts about animal life!

Every day around us we see various insects, insects, and birds. They are so diverse and their way of life is very strange. We are amazed at the new information that comes out about them.

Here is some information about your fauna.

1) The ostrich can run faster than the horse. Male ostriches can roar just like a lion.
2) Only mammals can fly in mammals.

3) Kangaroo leans on the tail behind him, jumps. If you lift its tail, it can no longer stand on the ground.

4) On average, every spider lives in a green area of   50000 acres.
5) Elephants can get information about the source of water from about3 miles away.

6) Do you know? Unlike every human on earth, about ten million ants live. They never sleep and have no lungs.

7) Butterfly's two composite eyes are made up of thousands of lenses but they do not see any color except red, green and yellow.

8) If a snake loses its eyes, it can regenerate.

9) The nose impression of a dog is very important as a fingerprint of a human hand. The dog can be identified with the impression of the nose.

10) Hummingbird is the only bird among the birds that can fly in the opposite direction and can jump wings 5   times a second.