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Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Earth is like desert compared to other planet's oceans

From then on, if someone asks you where the largest ocean or ocean is, the answer can be pointed to Jupiter.

Although there are about 120 million cubic miles of water on Earth, our planet is practically a desert compared to other planets in the solar system.

For example, if the Jupiter satellite is to be believed to be Europa, which is almost identical to our own moon in size, scientists in the underground ocean are twice as fluid as our Earth's water. Even another satellite of Europe's neighbor, Ganymede, has about three times as much fluid and ice sea as our earth's water.

Scientists have continued their search for fluids on various planets. Scientists have reported in a research report some time ago that Dion is likely the largest satellite on Saturn's planet, Dion.
So when he contacted Steve Vance, a planetary scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the US news portal Business Insider to compare Earth's water with other oceans, he gave an idea.
Using information from Steve Vance, Business Insider has created a graphic showing volume of comparable water (liquid and ice), proven and possible in the oceans world.

The amount of water in these oceans is arranged from lowest to highest, and these are - Enceladus (Saturn), Dion (Saturn), Earth, Europa (a satellite of Jupiter), Pluto, Triton (a satellite of Neptune). , Calisto (a satellite of Jupiter), Titan (a satellite of Saturn) and Ganymede (a satellite of Jupiter).
In addition, Saturn is believed to have an ocean in Saturn, a satellite of Mimus and the dwarf planet Ceres of the solar system. But scientists are still unsure of the size of the ocean.