Generally, muscle and bone problems can have chronic pain. In these cases, other methods of relieving pain may be more effective than medicines. Know that there are three ways you can get rid of pain easily -
Hot Bake: Wherever the pain is, bake hot. Heat can be baked twice a day in the affected area. Bake every 15 to 20 minutes. During the winter you can bake three times throughout the day.
Cold Bake: You can also benefit from the use of ice or cold water when you are hit by an accident. However, in all cases, the patient may not realize the prevalence of the injury immediately after the injury. Therefore, after using ice or cold water, the pain is relieved but you should consult a doctor.
Exercise or exercise: There are different exercises to relieve pain in the shoulder, waist, knee or ankle. As per the doctor's advice, you can learn these exercises regularly and practice them at home. Regular walking and slight jogging will help relieve body aches. Knee and waist pain is often reduced even when you lose weight.
There are specific treatments for various types of arthritis and diseases. It is best to diagnose and get the right treatment. According to the doctor's advice, painkillers can be consumed at certain doses for a certain period of time, but it is not right to eat without understanding.