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Saturday, 19 October 2019

These signs indicate that you are suffering from a serious kidney problem

The kidneys are a very important part of the human body. The function of the kidneys to purify the body's blood is immense. And if it gets damaged for some reason here what are some of the symptoms that occur in our body.
Abnormal kidney function
Kidney abnormalities can cause serious health problems. Here are some of the indicators and signs or symptoms that should be taken to help keep the kidneys healthy.

The kidneys and urinary bladder function to protect the body's water balance. So if you are sweating too much or not at all, then you should understand that there is a disruption to the kidney function. People who sweat more often feel uncomfortable for beauty reasons. Therefore, a natural solution must be found for excessive sweating, as well as a doctor's refuge to see if the kidneys are functioning properly.

If there is a lack of energy in the body
It is normal to feel tired after a lot of physical and mental workouts. However, if this period of time continues to increase, it is certainly not normal. Again, it is not normal if you feel tired for a long time without any reason. Feeling sluggish and tired also shows abnormalities in kidney and liver function. Therefore, in order to eliminate the harmful substances of the kidneys, natural cleansing and toxins should be taken. Otherwise, it can be harmful to health.

Body fluid swelling
We know that the kidneys regulate body fluids. Therefore, as a result of improper kidney function, fluid from one part of the body may be deposited in the other. Fluids can be swollen, especially in the legs, stomach, eyes, and eyelids. When these symptoms occur, it is important to understand that the kidney is not functioning well and you should consult a doctor quickly without delay.

Hearing impairment
Although it may seem surprising to hear, there are also problems with hearing loss in the ears. This is important for those who sometimes have hearing loss. Therefore, in this situation, any action should be taken to improve the functioning of the kidney.

Pain below the waist
Usually, if you feel pain or some kind of discomfort when pressing the kidney down the waist, then you should realize that the kidney is not doing as well as it should. So if there is a pain in the lower back of the waist, it should be done quickly without ignoring it.

Pain in the knee
The kidneys are usually associated with joints, especially knee health. If you feel knee pain without any common cause then you should understand that there may be a problem with the kidney. So if you have knee pain, you need to find out the cause of the pain and take treatment.

Increased desire for salt foods
It is sometimes observed that the desire for certain foods like sweet, sour, salty, spicy, etc. suddenly increases. This may be due to a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body. So if the desire for salt intake suddenly increases, then the kidney function is being interrupted. In many cases, this is due to a lack of energy. Therefore, it is very important to know the reason for these situations. Otherwise, the condition of the body can be seriously worse.

How to protect the kidney
If anyone has serious kidney problems, it is important to consult a specialist before starting natural treatment. But if someone does not have such a serious problem then the kidney should be cleaned once a year by natural means. There are several natural ways to eliminate kidney toxicity such as:

- Special tea for a kidney.

- Juice and onion soup for kidney inflammation.

- Natural juices of fruits and vegetables to relieve toxicity.

- Bake hot in the lower back of the kidney where the kidneys are located.

- Special tea for treating stones in kidney.

In order to know which method is right for the individual, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate kidney toxicity. And in severe cases, the doctor must be as soon as possible.